There remains, then, a Sabbath rest for the people of God;...
Hebrews 4: 9 (NIV)

“Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.” Exodus 20: 8 dictates. Resting on the seventh day has been an ongoing debate for centuries, even for millennials. The Jews were instructed in the wilderness to honor the Shabbat. To keep it holy. But contrary to what the majority of us all have at least once or still do even to this day believe about it, it does not simply mean to rest for renewal of physical strength. It means to cease, to interrupt activity that we usually do, and to grow closer to God.
It is Friday and evening is approaching. In the northern part of Jerusalem in a small garden apartment, there is bustling and hustling to be heard. The Holy Shabbath is creeping upon the small Jewish family it is housing. If you stepped foot inside the kitchen area, you might think a whirlwind went through it. But looks can be deceiving, and this family had it all under control. In the last stages of preparation, they were. All was slowly coming to a stop. The last rays of sunshine piercing through their window, was the signal of the beginning of a new day. A day of resting they welcomed under their roof taking a sit at a table full of the best delicacies one could find in Jerusalem, per this family's opinion in all Israel.
Shabbat - the seventh day of the Jewish week. A day of rest every Jewish household each Friday evening after sundown honor in remembrance of their ancestor’s journey from Egypt to their promised land.
A journey each second of every day someone in the world is traveling even in this day and age. On the journey, we too are, as were the Israelites, reminded to honor Shabbat. Now what I used to believe Shabbath meant was simply a day of resting to regain strength. But the meaning behind the word and each letter it is formed with, paint a much more profound, deep, and beautiful picture.
the word itself means to cease and to desist. To interrupt your regular, everyday activities and bond with God.
The word Shabbat is composed of three letters: Shin, Beth, and Taw. The 12 words beginning with the letters Shin and Beth are presumably connected with Shabbat. They reveal a much more heartfelt meaning behind Shabbat. One of immense intimacy and tenderness. It is a great guide on how to honor Shabbat in the most effective way possible.
The 12 words mentioned are:
Shava. It describes God’s passionate love. Each Shabbat let God love you. Let Him pour His love upon you.
Shavav. It means kindle of fire. Allow the passionate love of God to kindle in you that same passionate love so you can return it.
Shavah. It means to take captive. When we express our love to God he will take us captive like a groom takes his bride captive and brings her to his father’s house to be intimate with her.
Shavach. Implies to soothe, calm, and relax. God will seek to make us comfortable after He has taken us captive. All will be okay.
Shavat. It means to measure. He will measure us with His loving gaze and clarify to us how beautiful we are. He will remind us that Yeshua’s sacrifice has cleansed us from all sin, weaknesses, and iniquity.
Shavak. Suggests to mingle, interview, and have intercourse. He will share a more passionate intimacy with us.
Shaval. Describes to grow. We will grow closer together. More in love and more passionate we will become towards each other.
Shavam. It means to share hidden secrets and knowledge. We will share our most hidden secrets with God and He with us.
Shavan. Expresses tenderness. It means to be tender. God will tenderly speak to us while we share secrets with Him.
Shava. It signifies becoming satisfied and fulfilled. It spells to become satisfied and fulfilled. We will be overwhelmed with a sense of fulfillment.
Shavats. Indicates weaving, and intermingling. It means to weave and intermingle to create something beautiful. During this time in intimacy, we will create something beautiful with God.
Shavar. It means to examine in order to make something pure. He will examine us and purify us. He will make us Holy. (2)
Honoring Shabbat to put it simply is boding with God in ways unimaginable. It is sharing with Him our most intimate thoughts and receiving from Him amazing revelations and secrets too. For Him to do so in the most effective way requires us to be still and cease from working.
Shabbat is more than merely a time to rest. The true meaning is to cease and desist from work and everyday activities. It is a time for bonding with God in deep and intimate ways, sharing with Him our secrets and letting Him reveal the hidden things of this world.
Let us keep the meanings of these words in our hearts next Shabbat. Let God reveal to us what they truly mean. Let us experience Abba in brand new ways. Keep it simple though. Let it not become a restriction that will take your joy.