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Writer's picturePetra Hadžidaova


Updated: Jul 29

Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 

Ephesians 6: 10-18 (NIV)

Battle shoes



Redeemed we have been,

redeemed by His blood,

by a loving sacrifice 

never before then seen.

Our sins forgiven are,

paid was the debt 

by Our Bright and Morning Star.

Fitted are our feet with peace,

equipped we are to face trial and persecution,

ready to share the Good news with bliss. 


Some say God works in mysterious ways. Yet others, among them also Pastor Craig Hill, believe that He moves in the same or similar manner as He always has. That our minds sometimes simply can not always grasp the amazing ways in which He moves. He is after all the same as He was yesterday. And He will remain the same tomorrow and forever more.

Either way, the way He communicates and shows up in our lives is not that different from before. Just as He was able to communicate with Moses through a burning bush, and with Bileam through a speaking donkey, He still can and does communicate with us in extraordinary ways too.

He can use any person in our lives or even things. Sometimes He speaks and heals through a song. At other times He speaks and equips through a book. Another day an ad may catch our attention or an event may take place that turns our world upside down.

It is so exciting to share such moments with others. All the ways God showed up for us in times of trial and difficulty. Sometimes with answers, other days with provision, or with deliverance and healing. 

So it might not come as a big surprise to some of you that I believe He spoke to me yesterday through a relative. While they were going through our shoe closet they found three pairs of shoes, all different types, I had not worn in a while. It quickly reminded me of today's topic. A confirmation I believe that I will and should write about fitting our feet with the readiness to proclaim the Good news of the Gospel of Peace. 

Shoes of the gospel of Peace


We should always be willing to share the Good news of God’s willingness to love all humanity with everlasting love. The good news of us being redeemed back to Him, forgiven of our sins. The good news of how His sacrifice secured our sins, salvation, and victory. 

He provides us with all we need to fulfill our destinies. He answers questions when we need counsel and may respond with deliverance and healing when in need of a physician. He equips us to overcome sin and difficulty and encourages us when we face disappointment and heartbreak. 

“Having our feet fitted with the shoes of the gospel of peace allows us to be ready to share God with others at all times. As Christians, we should always be prepared, as we never know when an opportunity may arise to share the good news of the gospel with someone else. Ultimately, the shoes of peace equip us to fight for Christ in the spiritual battles we face.”

Let us always be ready and willing to answer any who asks us what gives us the hope to keep on going. 

Let us 



Reddemed we have been back to the Lord. Forgiven all our sins are. Restored our peace has been. Ready we now are to share God’s message with others. The message of repentance and forgiveness of all sins. And equipped we are to face the trials and persecution with victory and grace. 


Thank you Heavenly Father for your everlasting love. The love that secured us salvation on the cross. The love that knows no bounds. I ask that you equip us to be ready to share the good news among humans all.


  1. Image created via

  2. Image created via

  3. Lauren Abraham. Weekly Devotional: The Armor of God – Shoes of the Gospel of Peace. Posted May 27, 2016 on the world web

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