Stand firm therefore, by fastening the belt of truth around your waist, by putting on the breastplate of righteousness, …
Ephesians 6:10-18 (NET)
The Word of the Lord in itself is truth. Or as my mentor James Goll would say, it is a person. None other than Messiah Himself. We need to build on the solid foundation of truth, upon Yeshua. If not all may eventually crumble.
In every armor of a soldier, we can find a belt that holds it all together. It was especially true for Roman soldiers of ancient times. The belt held together the rest of the armor.
It is no different from the armor of God. The belt of truth holds it all together. It is on the truth of God that all lies. If we deviate from the truth then the sword and breastplate fall down ineffective. Exposed we become to the attacks of the enemy and as we will see further to deception.
Honesty is a virtue most men value. It is something we should all aspire towards. But though at times we may equate it to truth, it is not the same. Jeremy E. Sherman Ph.D. in his article The Difference Between Honesty and Truth defines each as follows:
Honesty: Expressing your feelings and opinions accurately.
Truth: Accurate representation of reality. (2)
As he further claims one can be honest yet disconnected from the truth of reality. And in such a state we are vulnerable to deception.
But that is according to this worldly wisdom and understanding. If we want to connect to the truth of all existence, we need to look towards God and His truth.
So the world has its definition of truth. The real truth though is grounded in God. Per John Macarthur in His article, What is truth? it is defined as the following:
Truth is that which is consistent with the mind, will, character, glory, and being of God. Even more to the point: Truth is the self-expression of God. (3)
To be fully submitted in mind, will, and character with God we need to be familiar with Him and His ways. And that can only be done through having a proper relationship with Him.
How do we form and nurture a proper relationship with God? We do so by reading the Word of the Lord and praying daily. Making assessments, repenting when realizing we were walking in sin or deception.
It requires sacrifice, but if done will protect us from the deceptions of the world and uphold the Armor of God protecting us.
It is the belt of truth that holds the Armor of God together. The truth of God is rooted in being consistent with His ways, mind, character, and glory. And to remain rooted in it we need to be familiar with God and His ways. We need to read the Word of God - the Truth itself - daily.
Read the word of God each day for at least 15 minutes and pray daily at least once.
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Jeremy E. Sherman Ph.D: The Difference Between Honesty and Truth. August 1, 2018. Available on world web:
John Macarthur: What Is Truth? January 1, 2019. Available on world web:
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