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Writer's picturePetra Hadžidaova


Updated: Jul 29

And he said, “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”

Exodus 33: 14.

Resting at the beach


When the Israelites were walking through the desert towards their promised land, they went through many difficult situations. The Lord was testing their faith. He was trying to draw their attention to Him. To rely on Him solely. For provision, protection, wisdom, and even companionship. It is when we are in communion with Him that we enter His rest. Rest from our own works.


God’s presence is that perfect place of stillness where we get to experience His goodness and amazing grace all anew. It is a place of intimacy. A place in which Yahweh reveals new things and gives instructions. It is the place in which we learn to walk in harmony with Him.

This is what Yahweh wanted the Israelites to learn. If they allowed themselves to grow with the Lord and sought Him earnestly they would have recognized Him. It is in communion and by prayer, by the reading of the Word that our spirit grows. And it is only The Holy Spirit, merged with ours, that knows Yahweh and can reveal Him to us. We on our own would never be able to know Him. It is the Holy Spirit that gives revelation. That shows His images to us. And for that to take place we need to spend time with the Lord. The more time we spend in our quiet place, the more of His character is revealed to us. The more we get to know Him. The more our relationship begins to grow.

As others have realized before me. It is not just merely following rules that Yahweh cares so much about. Mind you though, He surely does not support sin. Yet still it is the relationship He is after. He wishes for a relationship with us. As our Father, He wishes to be part of our lives. Our everyday lives.

He loves it when we pray to Him, when we talk to Him or just cry out to Him. He relishes having the opportunity to be with us. And He does prefer us to be happy. Yet, in our weaknesses and iniquities, in those broken moments, is when He gets to reveal Himself to us and the world the most.

Let us enter into His presence. Let us stay there and receive from Him: revelations, instructions, goodness, and His love. Let us learn to:



Take 5 minutes away from your daily routine. Go someplace quiet. Take a moment to still yourself. Breathe in and breathe out. Give praise to the Lord and just be still. Listen, for He is faithful to speak.

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