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Writer's picturePetra Hadžidaova


Updated: Mar 22

But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.

John 4:14 

A beautiful waterfall



Seasons of drought are bound to be part of every believer's life. Those seasons of wilderness, that seem so dry and without any life. “How could life be birthed here?”, we may wonder. “Why would God have led me here?”, may run through our minds. Exhaustion and weariness may come, but if we turn to God He will refresh our souls. He is the Living water that springs up into everlasting life. 


During our walk with the Lord, there may come seasons where all dries up. Exhaustion may hit us and cause us to wonder: “ Why would God have led me here?”. 

"It is in the desert where God reveals His true image to us", wrote Brian and Candice Simmons in their book The Wilderness: where miracles are born (2). He uses the desert to shape us and mold us so we can rely on Him for provision and none other. He uses it to build our faith so we would not quit and give up. 

In the desert, God begins to break our doubt and belief of never enough, never provided for. In its stead, He begins to build faith of never in lack. It is here that we learn to lean on the Lord when we are thirsty. We learn to come to Him for the refreshment. For He is our Source of life. And whoever drinks of Him, never thirsts again. For he has learned that Yeshua is the Living water that supplies His every need and the rest and peace they need.

When we receive that revelation in our hearts we never grow anxious if one brook dries up. God will provide another brook. He will come through for us. When we have Him we will never grow thirsty. 


In every believer’s life, there will be seasons of drought. Seasons where we are led into the desert. There Father reveals to us His true image. It is here that unbelief of never enough is dealt away with and faith of never in lack is introduced. Here we learn to turn to Yeshua alone, for He is our Living water. Once we taste His water, we never thirst again. 


Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for always providing for me. You are the Living Water who has quenched my thirst. Thank you for satisfying my soul.

  1. Image by ©

  2. Brian and Candice Simmons (2016). Racine, Wisconsin: The Wilderness; where miracles are born.

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