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Writer's picturePetra Hadžidaova


Updated: Jul 29


Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

John 14: 27 (NIV)

Dove - a symbol of love and peace


In the deepest and darkest moments of our lives when all seems lost and there seems to be no way out, hope can be hard to find. Worry may settle in our hearts, overtake our emotions, and bring us out of peace. But our Lord brings us peace. In His presence, we will find peace from the hardship, peace from our sin, and peace from the persecution of the world. 


Ever felt so much guilt you couldn’t go through the day without thinking about what you have done? Or perhaps you are stepping into new territory and do not know where the LORD can be found in all of this. Or maybe you have planned all your life out and sadly it is not going according to plan at all? Could it be persecution for your past mistakes or simply for believing in Yeshua that is haunting you? Have I described you? Do you see yourself in any of this? No matter the cause of your worry I am here to tell you that the solution is the same. 

Worry is not of God. We have been told by none other than Yeshua Himself not to take care of anything as stated in Matthew 6: 25-34. Worry is a sign of not fully trusting God that He will provide. It is an area we all struggle in from time to time. We need the renewal of our minds daily. And there is no other way than to gain it from the source of perfect peace itself - Yeshua. 

Yeshua is the Prince of Peace and in His presence, we find that SHALOM, that perfect peace our souls always search for. The forgiveness for our sins. The recompensation and restoration of time, money, and relationships because of our foolish mistakes. That acceptance and love we crave for. Yeshua never rejects anyone. He receives us all as we are, and thankfully does not leave us in our sin either. He takes us and transforms our hearts. And He does it all on His own. All we need to do is believe in Him and seek Him with our full hearts, knowing that victory is already secured. 

You know, not so long ago I felt the conviction of the Holy Spirit. Oh, so gently He brought to my attention, how I have been consumed with all the planning of securing victory over my enemies. And I fell for that despite knowing the victory had already been secured. While I should have been focusing on loving them and being the vessel of YAHWEH’s light in their lives, I was worrying and wondering how I could avoid all the snares and plots and ploys the enemy of my soul was planning. And it probably diminished my light and the message God wanted them to see through me. 


Worry is not from God. We were told not to worry, to take no care, and to trust Abba fully. And yet we may find ourselves worrying daily. Let us take our cares and worries to Yeshua and leave them on the altar. Let us enter into His perfect peace for Yeshua is 



Dear Heavenly Father, we come to you with a contrite heart. We repent for all the worrying and not believing that You would provide. We seek your forgiveness and receive it with a grateful heart. Thank you for restoring righteousness to us through the finished work of Yeshua on the cross. 


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