The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
3 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
Psalm 23: 1-3 (KJV)

The LORD watches over Israel as their keeper. He also shepherds Israel and His people. The Hebrew word for shepherding and tending ra’ah can also mean to see. From it derives the Hebrew word ro’eh describing a shepherd, or seer. Yahweh is our shepherd. He keeps us and tends to us and our needs.
Sheep are very gullible and dumb animals according to many. They rely fully and solemnly on the guidance of the shepherd. They are fully dependent and trusting. Shepherds need to guide them to water and food for on their own they cannot find such. And they also need protection and assistance when they find themselves ‘cast down’, literally on their backs. They need guidance in everything.
Aliken to sheep we are to God. He as our Shepherd guides us towards still waters and green pastures. Moran in His blog post “He leads me beside still waters …” Psalm 23: 2B says:
In Hebrew, the words for ‘still waters’ in Psalm 23:2b are “Mai Menochot”, meaning literally, “restful waters”. Our Shepherd wants to lead us to a place of rest, a place of trust, a place of confidence, a place where you rely on Him and focus on Him without anything that will distract you. (2)
He leads us to that place of no striving. The place where we relinquish all control to Him, trust Him and rely solemnly on Him.
Green pastures on the other hand represent spiritual food. Spiritual food nourishes our spiritual needs and makes us strong in Spirit. And those who walk in Spirit walk according to the will of God. For the Spirit agrees with God, unlike the flesh that does not.
The verb ra’ah means to shepherd, to tend to. It involves taking care of and guiding sheep to pastures, protecting them from harm, and ensuring their overall well-being. It metaphorically describes leadership, guidance, and care. (3,4)
From the verb derives the word ro’eh. It denotes a shepherd, a seer. Shepherds were notoriously used to describe leaders and kings. Seers - people who are granted divine insight or vision - played a crucial role in guiding the spiritual and sometimes political direction of the nation. (5,6)
So their purpose was to guide people in life. Above all stands God as the Divine Shepherd. He cares for us as a shepherd cares for His sheep. (1)
Without Him and His guidance and wisdom, we would all be lost and continue to wander around striving in our own strength to accomplish things and feed off of any pasture we would stumble upon even if not one that nourishes us.
But Yahweh knows what we need each season and guides us to that specific pasture. One where we find rest, nourishment, and an easy yoke to carry while working towards the fulfillment of our destinies.
The Lord is our ro’eh, the Hebrew word for shepherd and seer. The expression shepherd can metaphorically represent leaders and kings. Seers too have in the past played a role in guiding people spiritually and sometimes the political direction of the nation. Yahweh, likewise guides us towards still waters, where we find rest and peace for our souls. That place of no striving and an easy yoke where success is guaranteed through the Holy Spirit. The place where our Spirit is nourished and well rested to accomplish great deeds.
Take a moment throughout the week and dwell on what it means to you that God is your Shepherd.
Image created via
Moran. Hope for Israel - Seed of Abraham Ministries. “He leads me beside still waters…” Psalm 23:2b. Available on
Bible Hub. Ra'ah - to shepherd. Accessed on 10.11.2024. Available on
Bible Hub Ra'ah - to see. Accessed on 10.11.2024. Available on
Bible Hub. Ro'eh - seer. Accessed on 10.11.2024. Available on
Lois Tverberg. Ro'eh - shepherd. July 1, 2015. Available on