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The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”

Exodus 14: 14 (NIV)

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When met with unrighteousness, we may be called to stay still and rely on the covenant of God. Remain in position and submit under authority even if dealt with unrighteously. That does not mean we do evil, it means we remain submissive to an authority figure that may have dealt with us unrighteously after needing to rebel. But we only do so if God calls us and if abuse is not taking place. Otherwise, remove yourself from those places.


When Yeshua came to earth, He set an example of how to lead our life. And He came to be the sacrificial lamb, that took away the sins of the world. He was crucified on the cross and took all of God’s wrath upon Himself. All the wrath that would fall on every one of us because of those sins. He took the punishment. And through His blood, our sins have been forgiven. Into a blood covenant, we have entered. And not just with anyone, but with God Almighty himself. And it is a covenant, He will never break. Craig Hill had the following to say in His video course Blood Covenant.

“For this is like the days of Noah to me.” This what? This time, right now, today. “This time of the New Covenant is like the days of Noah to Me, when I swore that the waters of Noah would not flood the earth again. So I have sworn I will not be angry with you, nor will I rebuke you. For the mountains may be removed and the hills may shake, but My lovingkindness will not be removed from you. And My covenant of peace will not be shaken,’ says the Lord who has compassion on you.” What is God saying? God is saying, “This is like the days of Noah when I made a covenant with Noah. I have made a covenant with you by the blood of Jesus.” And what does that covenant entail? It says, “I will not be angry with you.” It says, “My lovingkindness will never be removed from you. My covenant of peace will not be shaken.” And all of My judgment, all of My wrath, I have put on Jesus on your behalf. And because of that, I love you. I will not be angry with you. I will forgive you.” 2

Forgiveness and restoration are available as are so many other promises. Everything that we need is now available to us. Protected we are. 


In life, we are bound to clash heads with some authority figures who will be unrighteous towards us. In those cases, many times we are tempted to rebel when we may be called to remain in position by God. Romans 13: 4 (KJV) states that for life to go well for us, respecting authority is vital.

“It is a minister of God to you for good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid, for it, authority, does not bear the sword for nothing. For it is a minister of God, an avenger who brings wrath on the one who practices evil.” 

Romans 13: 4 (KJV)

When being oppressed or having to walk with unrighteous authorities, the key is remaining in position. Remaining in position means remaining submissive.

Remaining submissive does not mean we do everything they tell us to do. It simply means we allow them the right to govern over us even after they have unfairly treated us or have asked us to do something that breaks our conscience or the law of God. Mind you though one should not remain in an abusive environment. Craig Hill mentions the following:

I understand from Romans 13 that I'm supposed to submit to authority. Does that mean I obey everything that authorities tell me to do? No, but even when I must disobey, I retain a submissive attitude. Can I disobey and submit at the same time? The answer is yes. What does “submit” mean? It means to continually grant the authority the right to govern in my life. So when I submit to authority, I'm granting that authority the right to govern. 3

At the end of the day, it is God who removes the authority figures from positions of power and arises new ones in due time. And our destinies are secure in His hands. If and when He wishes to promote, bless, vindicate, and protect, none can stand against Him. 


As Kingdom ambassadors we are called to battle through the Word of God and let God deal with the enemy. We need not wield a physical sword, for we wield a far greater one in spirit. 

As David defeated Goliath with a slingshot and a stone so can we with the Word of God defeat any enemy as it goes before us. God battles our battles, we need to only remain still ( Exodus 14:14) if called to. And let us also not forget that we battle not flesh and blood, but principalities and powers in wicked places. 

I will say though that not every battle is meant to be battled by us (James Goll). Not all are meant to be battled today. Some may not ever need to be battled by any at all. Let us ask for discernment as to which battles we are called to battle after all. 


As in the days of Noah God is keeping His promises to us through the new covenant that was put in place with the shedding of Messiah’s blood. He has made all available through the willing sacrifice of His only begotten Son Yeshua Messiah. When in need of anything let us fall upon Him and seek for the provision necessary. Even when faced with unrighteousness in authority positions let us rely on Him and His protection. Let God battle our battles. Release them and your destiny into His hands.


Thank you Father for the blood covenant established between me and You because of the sacrifice Yeshua was willing to make. Thank you for loving me so much that you were willing to sacrifice your only begotten Son. Thank you for battling for me, safely bringing me into my promised land, and fulfilling my destiny.


  1. Image by

  2. Craig Hill. Exercising Covenant authority in times of trouble Craig Hill. Lesson 1 – Part B: What is a covenant? Transcript. Page 13.

  3. Craig Hill. Understanding Kingdom authority. How to become a person of influence and impact. Lesson 8: Five Levels of Authority; Resolving Conflict When They Disagree. Transcript. Page 5-8.

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