In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit (Ruach) of God was hovering over the waters.
Genesis 1: 1-2 (NIV)

The Hebrew word Ruach means breath, wind, or spirit. It is simply put the life force of all living beings - animals and humans. It denotes the principle of life that possesses reason, will, and conscience. It imparts the divine image to man. In correlation to God, it denotes His creative activity and active power, and also works in providence, in redemption, in upholding and guiding His chosen ones, and in the empowering of the Messiah.
“Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.” And it was so.”
Genesis 1:11 (NIV)
AND IT WAS SO. The creation of living things began on the third day.
Living things pertain to any organism or a life form that possesses or shows the characteristics of life or being alive (2)
Yet there is room to debate as to which creations of God are actually considered alive or living per the Word of God. Do plants count as living beings, or are only animals and humans considered ‘alive’?
Whatever the truth may be, the majority agree that plants are not sided alongside humans and animals as having a nephesh (life), ruach (breath of life) or blood in which the life of the flesh resides according to Leviticus 17:11.
Latest discoveries in the scientific fields argue otherwise though they are some scientific discoveries that might be proving the Bible right, for example the breeding and feeding of the blood-feeding mosquitos.
Blood-feeding mosquitoes survive by feeding on nectar for metabolic energy but require a blood meal to develop eggs. (3)
Whether plants have a nephesh or ruach is not the focus of this article. The meaning of the latter word is. And if nothing else, plants are an amazingly beautiful creation of God, meant to be cherished and taken care of properly. It is part of our assignment.
In the Bible for the Hebrew word Ruach Bible translators have used three separate translations. In Genesis 1: 2, Judges 6:34, 1 Samuel 16:14, and 1 Kings 18:12 it has been translated as spirit.
According to Numbers 11:31 and Exodus 10: 13 it can also be translated as wind. In Job on the other hand the word was used in connotation to breath. Usually, the word is used to describe spirit.
Nephesh is often translated as soul, but the Hebrew word refers to the whole human as a living, physical organism. All nephesh beings it is the Ruach that gives them life. Ruach may be understood as the Author of the animating dynamic of the created order, the underlying principle of creation, and the one that imparts the nephesh to the entire universe (4)
In the most simple and broad definition possible, ruach (and pneuma) refer to a life force. It can refer to the life force that animates angels, demons, and even human souls. (5)
Ruach denotes the principle of life that possesses reason, will, and conscience. It imparts the divine image to man.
When applied to God it denotes His creative activity and active power, and also works in providence, in redemption, in upholding and guiding His chosen ones, and in the empowering of the Messiah.
All this of course is achieved through the Ruach HaKodesh, also named Ruach Elohim. Both are Hebrew expressions for the Holy Spirit - the Spirit of God. There are other words that describe the amazing Spirit of God like the Ruach Olam (the Eternal Spirit) and Ruach Adonai (the Spirit of Adonai). Then there is Ruach Yeshua (the Spirit of Yeshua) and Ruach Ha-Chokhmah (the Spirit of Wisdom) just to name a few more.
All ultimately describe the Holy Spirit or its different manifestations.
The Ruach HaKodesh quickens, fills, comes upon, and comforts. It gives live to all living creatures. It is the helper, the equipper, the life-giver, an empowerer, wisdom, creative power, and so forth.
As already mentioned the Holy Spirit can manifest in different ways and it is the seven spirits standing before the throne of God that I wish to touch upon today.
These seven spirits are:
the Spirit of the Lord
the Spirit of Wisdom
the Spirit of Understanding
the Spirit of Counsel
the Spirit of Might
the Spirit of Knowledge
the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord. (6)
There are two theories worth mentioning. The first one says they represent the sevenfold ministry of the Spirit as depicted in th Book of Isaiah. Others view them as the seven graces (“charisma”), through which the Holy Spirit manifests in humans. They are:
insight (prophecy)
helpfulness (service or ministry)
instruction (teaching)
guidance (leadership)
compassion (6
I lean more on the first and believe we have all been given the full measure of the Holy Spirit. There are seasons where one manifestation is more prominent, while on other days or in other seasons, another manifestation takes the front wheels.
Ruach - spirit, wind, breath. Ruach is the Author of the animating dynamic of the created order, the underlying principle of creation, and the one that imparts the nephesh to the entire universe. It is usually about God - His Ruach HaKodesh. There are seven spirits of God: the Spirit of the Lord, the Spirit of Wisdom, the Spirit of Understanding, the Spirit of Counsel, the Spirit of Might, the Spirit of Knowledge, and the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord.
Some say it represents the sevenfold ministry of the Holy Spirit, others claim them to be the seven graces through which the Holy Spirit manifests in the life of believers: insight, helpfulness, instruction, encouragement, generosity, guidance, and compassion.
Abba fill us with a fresh outpouring of your Ruach. Let there be a changing of oil for those of us who need it.
Image created via
Biology Online. Living things definition. Available at
Jove V et al. Sensory Discrimination of Blood and Floral Nectar by Aedes aegypti Mosquitoes. Neuron. 2020 Oct 12;108(6):1163–1180.e12. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2020.09.019. Available at
Hebrew4christians. Hebrew names of God. Available at
Hope Bolinger. What Is the Meaning of the Hebrew Word Ruach? Updated
Oct 14, 2021. Available at
Wikipedia. Seven spirits of God. Avaiable at