Yahweh opens the eyes of the blind.
Yahweh raises up those who are bowed down.
Yahweh loves the righteous.
Psalm 146: 8 (WEB)

For centuries, even millenniums, the same famous four letters have puzzled biblical and rabbinical scholars alike. It is none other than YHWH that I am speaking about. How is the personal name of God pronounced?
What used to be common knowledge, time - the consumer of all - may have erased from the memory of man.
In the Old Testament, the priests and prophets were familiar with the name YHWH and its proper pronunciation. Over time though, the name became taboo, a name too sacred to pronounce in Jewish tradition. Gradually the proper pronunciation came under question and has been a matter of debate ever since.
Today we will take a closer look into this beautiful name of God.
The tetragrammaton YHWH is the technical term of the most known name of the God above all God’s. It occurs more than 6800 times in the Old Testament in every single book except in the books of Esther, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Songs. (2)
It is considered to be the personal and most sacred name of God, which eventually was spoken aloud only by Priests in the Holy Temple. Consequently, the proper way to pronounce this name has come under question over the years.
Jehovah has been used over the years. It is considered to be the English translation of the Hebrew name and originates from JHVH, the Latin equivalent of the Hebrew YHWH.
Despite its widespread use even nowadays, it is the Hebrew pronunciation Yahweh that is considered the correct way in which to voice the Name above all Names. (3)
Yah is the shortened form of Yahweh. It is used around 50 times in Tanakh and can be found in many construct words such as Hallelujah, and names Elijah (Eliyahu) and Jeremiah (Yirmeyah) to name a few. (4)
This abbreviation is free to use in Jewish tradition, there are no prohibitions as with the name Yahweh.
Great meanings hide behind the name Yahweh. Names in general can hold meanings. And often portray the character of the person behind it. In some cases they also carry authority.
It is no different with Yahweh. His name speaks of His character and nature. (2) Actually, per Michael Heiser, it is a representation of His very presence. (5). Now we will take a look at all the attributes God’s name points to.
YHWH consists of four vowels: Yod, He, Waw, and He. (6) It is based on the Hebrew word for “being.” It could be translated “I am who I am” or “I will be what I will be” or perhaps even “I am the One who is.” (3)
God is. He is. He is the self-existing, non-created being above all other beings. That is what His name ultimately means. He is the Eternal One. (2)
The name Yahweh is a covenant name. It was a name with which Yahweh revealed Himself to those whom He was in covenant with.
Yahweh is a covenant-keeping God. (3) He keeps His covenant and His blessing towards all who obey and follow Him. While some instances point to Him breaking covenants with His people in the past because of rebellion, ultimately Yahweh has remained faithful to humanity and Israel even when met with their constant rejection of Him.
He has kept His promises above all else. He loves humans. And even when faced with constant rebellion and falling away, He has not forsaken us as His imagers and creations. We were meant to rule with Him, and He Himself has secured the victory at a great price.
The name Yahweh is used only when the personal relationship between God and His people is talked about. (2).
We have established that the I AM does not need us, but that doesn't mean He does not want us. God loves us and craves to be in a relationship with every single one of us. (2)
Him introducing Himself as Yahweh points to His desire for a relationship with His people. (2)
The name HE IS is also pointing to His omnipresence. He is everywhere at all times. He is here with us constantly communicating with His creations. Telling us to turn left or right when necessary. (2)
This also is not something He is required to do, He simply does out of love for what He has created.
Yahweh is constant as I already mentioned. He is never changing and eternal. All around us changes with time, but does not. He does not conform to the world or to men. He remains faithful to his nature and character. (2)
It is us that are asked to conform to God and His image which we have been created in. To be not conformed to this world, but transformed to the renewing of our minds (Romans 12: 2).
Yahweh is the Holy One. The only perfect being. There is no other like Him in existence. Wholly He is set apart in power, love, strength, might and holiness. (2)
He is not like us. His ways are Higher than ours and so are His thoughts. We are the imperfect imagers who are daily meant to image and become more in likeness to the perfect image of Yah. (2)
Ultimately though Yahweh is the One who saves. Through His son Yeshua, He has redeemed all those who seek Him back to Himself. (3)
Yeshua means ‘Yahweh saves’. (3) And through Yeshua’s finished work on the cross, that is what Yahweh did. He saved all who have believed, believe, and will believe. It is done and finished. (got questions)
The four-letter tetragrammaton YHWH is the technical term for the personal and sacred name Yahweh. This name bears the character and nature of the God above all Gods. It points to His self-sufficiency, His holiness, His never changing and loving nature, His unconditional love that saved His people, and His desire for a relationship with them. It also points to His covenant-keeping attributes and His omnipresence. Yahweh to put it simply IS. HE IS.
I pray that every single one of us would get to know Yah during this upcoming week like never before.
Image created via canva.com.
Jenna Martin. The Meaning of Yahweh: Why It Matters in Biblical Studies. April 8, 2024. Available at https://www.biblestudytools.com/bible-study/topical-studies/why-it-matters-that-god-is-yahweh.html
Got Questions. What is the meaning of Yahweh? What is the meaning of Jehovah? Available at https://www.gotquestions.org/meaning-of-Yahweh.html
Hebrew for christians. Hebrew names of God. Yah constructs given in Tanakh. Available at https://www.gotquestions.org/meaning-of-Yahweh.html
Michael S. Heiser. Unseen Realm. Avaialble at https://www.amazon.com/Unseen-Realm-Recovering-Supernatural-Worldview/dp/1577995562
Wikipedia. Tetragrammaton. Available at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetragrammaton